How To Build The Relationship Of Your Dreams

Building the relationship of your dreams requires work. Work is one word an average individual sees or hears about and cringes away considering the mindset we have developed about it- sweat, grime, exertion, tiredness, time, etc.

Specific areas where work is needed in the relationship are as follows:

1. Affirm and appreciate your partner- this is so seeing that you are the first priority where your partner is concerned. You are not only special, you are also unique and any word of complement, appreciation, commendation and at times rebuke is well taken and equally treasured by your partner.

2. Share the glories and challenges faced together- going into a relationship among other things is primarily for intimacy. You get to be open, bare and vulnerable before your partner no matter the circumstance or occasion. Getting to share your glories and challenges not only creates room for discussion(s), it presents the opportunity for your partner share in your 'world' because he/she cares.

3. Go out on a date- taking your partner out on a date adds to the 'magic' of the moment. The two of you will get the opportunity to spend time in each other's company away from 'home' and distractions. This need not be expensive where either of you decides to make a purchase or payment for a good or service rendered (snacks, gift, movies, stroll, transport fare, cruise, etc) while out on your date.

4. Invest positively and creatively- a lot of individuals involved in a relationship make the mistake of not investing positively and creatively in it. Some only see and sit in judgement over their partner's shortcomings and faults whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Others have ended up with the assumption that they do not really need to do anything per se seeing the relationship (from their own perspective) is stable. In many instance, this state and frame of mind has caused many relationships having prospects to wither and die off somewhere along the journey.

Each individual 'having had or caught a glimpse of the partner's like and dislikes' needs to be proactive and strive to outdo one another (under a healthy atmosphere, of course) in good and ideal things that will enable the relationship to flourish to the delight of both parties concerned.

5. Develop yourself and be disciplined- There is one thing that life confronts you with at every turn of the moment and that is change. You cannot afford to remain stagnant. You must improve on yourself and strive to bring out the best to your nature and personality.

This not only boosts your self esteem making you feel good about yourself (not in a conceited manner anyway), it brings a reassurance and a comfort to your partner that you are also making effort to improve.

Being disciplined talks about feeling the need and making the effort to equally work at making your relationship succeed through the choices (this should be good and right ones please) you make from time to time and not leaving the entire responsibility to making your relationship work and succeed at the sole discretion of your partner.

6. Set Goals- You will need to set goals and focus on achieving them in order to be able to score and grade the level of your involvement and development in your relationship. Without goals or objectives, your relationship will lack a bearing/direction and over time will stagnate. Endeavor to set achievable goals and set time limits in which to assess your development and growth in your relationship.

Your relationship can only succeed when both of you make out time and take turns to invest and nurture it. Both parties involved should be encouraged to put into practice all these points shared on how to build the relationship of your dreams.